Borges, Jorge Luis - The Aleph and Other Stories
Borges, Jorge Luis - The Aleph and Other Stories
von Mises, Ludwig - Planned Chaos
von Mises, Ludwig - Planned Chaos
Hesse, Hermann - Narcissus and Goldmund
About this book: Hesse’s novel of two medieval men, one quietly content with his religion and monastic life, the other in fervent search of more worldly salvation. This conflict between flesh and spirit, between emotional and contemplative man, was a...
Chang, Jeff - Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation
From The Publisher Can't Stop Won't Stop is a powerful cultural and social history of the end of the American century, and a provocative look into the new world that the hip-hop generation created.Forged in the fires of the Bronx and...
Smith, Adam - The Theory Of Moral Sentiments
Smith, Adam - The Theory Of Moral Sentiments
Buonomano, Dean - Your Brain Is A Time Machine
Buonomano, Dean - Your Brain Is A Time Machine
Frank, Johns, Anderson - Doomsday Clock Part 2
Frank, Johns, Anderson - Doomsday Clock Part 2
Freud - The Joke and Its Relation To The Unconscious
About this book: Why do we laugh? The answer, argued Freud in this groundbreaking study of humor, is that jokes, like dreams, satisfy our unconscious desires. The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious explains how jokes provide immense pleasure by releasing...
Revolution: Russian Art 1917-1932
Revolution: Russian Art 1917-1932
Bloom, Howard - How I accidentally Started The Sixties
Bloom, Howard - How I accidentally Started The Sixties
Davies, Robertson - The Manticore
Davies, Robertson - The Manticore
Stendhal - The Charterhouse Of Parma
Stendhal - The Charterhouse Of Parma
Bolano, Roberto - The Savage Detectives
About this book: The Savage Detectives is an exuberant, raunchy, wildly inventive, and ambitious novel from one of the greatest Latin American authors of our age.National BestsellerNew Year's Eve, 1975: Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima, founders of the visceral realist movement...
Joyce, James - Dubliners
Joyce, James - Dubliners
Bertrand, Russel - Religion and Science
Bertrand, Russel - Religion and Science
Rick and Morty Vol. 7
Rick and Morty Vol. 7
Spencer, Nick - The Amazing Spiderman Vol 6: Absolute Carnage
Spencer, Nick - The Amazing Spiderman Vol 6: Absolute Carnage
Heidegger, Martin - Being And Time
About this book: "What is the meaning of being?" This is the central question of Martin Heidegger's profoundly important work, in which the great philosopher seeks to explain the basic problems of existence. This first paperback edition of John Macquarrie and...
Mink, Janis - Miro
Mink, Janis - Miro
Barthes, Roland - Camera Lucida: Reflections On Photography
Barthes, Roland - Camera Lucida: Replections On Photography
Feynman, Richard P. - The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out
About this book: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a magnificent treasury of the best short works of Richard P. Feynman—from interviews and speeches to lectures and printed articles. A sweeping, wide-ranging collection, it presents an intimate and fascinating view...
Throeau, Henry David - Walden and Civil Disobedience
Henry David Thoreau's account of his adventure in self-reliance on the shores of a pond in Massachusetts--part social experiment, part spiritual quest--is an enduringly influential American classic.
Wolff, Richard - Democracy at Work: A Cure For Capitalism
Wolff, Richard - Democracy at Work: A Cure For Capitalism
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